Healthcare Law
Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing industries in this nation’s economy, and the healthcare field is the subject of complex, ever-changing state and federal rules and regulations. Bieser Greer attorneys have a wealth of experience in representing and advising a wide array of healthcare providers in minimizing risks, ensuring that healthcare providers are compliant with state and federal regulation and in defending clients when litigation arises. Whether it be representing a hospital, a physician practice, nursing home or other healthcare provider, Bieser Greer has the skill and expertise necessary to meet the challenges posed by healthcare providers and the firm prides itself on counseling and advising its clients in the most effective and economical way possible.
In 1996 Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) which has had a profound effect on the business of all healthcare providers. Bieser Greer offers its clients a wide variety of services designed to assist with compliance of the privacy, security and transaction regulations promulgated under HIPAA. Specifically, we offer HIPAA regulatory advice, consultation and recommendations and we assist healthcare providers in ensuring the privacy of health-protected information and in arranging for the proper dissemination of such information upon appropriate request.
Risk Management Consulting
Hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare entities are faced with ever-increasing risks from changing and cumbersome federal and state regulation, and an increase in patient litigation. Bieser Greer attorneys work with physician and hospital administrators to establish appropriate policies and procedures to reduce risks and minimize the costs associated with litigation and regulatory oversight. Toward this end, Bieser Greer attorneys are available 24 hours a day for emergency advice or to audit or draft compliant policies and practices.
Patient Relations Consulting
As healthcare rules and regulations increase in complexity and patient visits increase, the issues confronting hospitals and physician practices are becoming more and more difficult and time consuming. The attorneys at Bieser Greer work with hospital patient relations departments and physician office managers to resolve the day-to-day issues raised by patients. Bieser Greer attorneys are available on a 24-hour basis to respond to emergencies in an effort to minimize costly litigation and to foster patient satisfaction with the healthcare delivery process.
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) requires Medicare participating hospitals to provide a medical screening exam to any individual who comes to a dedicated emergency department and requests examination or treatment for a medical condition. Since even technical violations of EMTALA may subject a hospital to an action for termination of its Medicare participation agreement, compliance is key and Bieser Greer attorneys have extensive expertise in educating physicians, hospital administrators and nursing staff on the intricacies of EMTALA compliance.
For the past two decades, the laws governing physician credentialing and peer review have become increasingly more burdensome. Hospitals are ultimately responsible for quality patient care, including care provided by its non-employee medical staff. Undisclosed incompetence has now become the burden of hospitals and the credentialing and privileging processes have become the means by which to reduce the risk of poor patient care by these physicians. Full disclosure of physician past performance, therefore has become a necessity and a basis for privilege denial and termination. The attorneys of Bieser Greer have extensive experience in counseling healthcare organizations to avoid potential claims which can result from the credentialing process and our attorneys work with clients to establish appropriate policies and procedures to minimize risks.
Physician Consulting / Contracting
Bieser Greer works with physician practices on a wide variety of legal issues concerning corporate governance, contracting, medical staff consulting, regulatory compliance and litigation. Our attorneys consult physician practices on practice formation, STARK, HIPAA, anti-kickback compliance, third-party contracting and compliance with medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations. If litigation has been initiated, Bieser Greer represents physician practices in malpractice litigation and defending regulatory compliance issues.